
Monday, May 20, 2013

It seems like it has been weeks since I have blogged. It probably has. So many things have happened. We made a road trip to Alabama this past week. We got back home Sunday afternoon and man, that was the LONGEST drive ever! My daughter had a good time visiting with her cousins and grandparents, so that definitely made a sad trip turn into a good one. 

Lately, I started working on a new blog. I really miss my Wordpress blog. I love blogger, but I love the WP platform even more. I am customizing every code I can to get it just the way that I want. Hopefully, I will be able to share it soon along with some other new things that I plan on sharing. One thing I can say, the blogger spacing on posts is much easier to deal with. When I enter, it gives me a line break without question. Right now I am having to reformat all of my posts on Wordpress. I bought a new domain so I am trying to decide if I should even move all of my blogger posts. It is becoming more work than I thought it would be to reformat all of the posts. I am such a perfectionist and I really need the spacing to be the same for each of the posts.


I definitely have some scrap booking to catch up on. Working on my smash book has even been put on hold a bit and it makes me sad. Still trying to find things for Aida to do each day. Her birthday was about a week ago, so I officially have a 5 year old. I wake up before her every day, but on her birthday she woke up before both of us. Her dad said she was in face talking about her birthday before he even got up for work that morning. This was the first birthday that we did not go on a big, elaborate trip. I miss that but it was nice celebrating all day (and week) with my baby girl. I have so many photos to work on from her birthday. I need to make a huge task list of photos to edit, share and scrap. Let's hope I even remember to do that...lol!

Just wanted to share a photo of the little lady from April of this year. I was cutting out shapes for her to put together a flower. She enjoyed it and now I have an adorable flower in my kitchen.


I must get back to it now....thanks for visiting!

Almost Over

Monday, May 6, 2013

NSD weekend is almost over....but not yet. I completely forgot to come back and post. Bad me! Lots of sales and challenges are still going on. Today is the last day for the storewide 30% off sale at Sweet Shoppe Designs and The Lilypad. If there is any digital scrapbook item (kit, element,  paper pack...etc..) that you have been wanting, now is the time to get it. I love shopping on NSD weekend just because of the great deals you find at the forums and other social media (i.e. facebook, twitter). This year I am beyond grateful to be on the creative team of my favorite stores. So many new and wonderful products were released this week. I definitely did not have enough time to create. I have a few of my favorite pages to share. 

This first page I made last night. I downloaded the kit yesterday and as soon as I unzipped the kit, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. It usually takes me a long time (more than an hour) to finish a page, but this really inspired me.

My Scrap Journal

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Warmer days are here...finally!! I am so excited. This past weekend it was beautiful outside. Lots of sunshine and people were outside all over the place. It is the first day of May and the month is already starting off very well. I have been busy with creating pages for National Scrapbooking Day (NSD), which is this Saturday, May 4th. There are so many activities that will be going on all week long and some will not end until next week. I will come back later and do a post of links to some of the festivities. 

Right now, I really wanted to share my latest project. Browsing through a certain favorite store of mine, I came across these notebooks called smash books. I remember when quite a few of the digital ladies on my FB feed were doing them and at the time, I did not have the time to even look at paper goods for scrapping. Fast forward to present day- and I have more time to do some things for myself. I have plenty of journals from when I was younger and have been anxious to start one as an adult. I figure this will be fun and will give me a chance to do a little scrapbooking of my own random thoughts.

Now- for the cover of my scrap journal, I chose the PrettyPink journal which has this beautifully embossed cover. I started looking through Pinterest and google to see how to pretty up the outside a little more and make it more me. I absolutely love color. I came across an idea on Pinterest to color in the embossing. I thought, "why not?" So I went to Amazon and got on the hunt for markers and found a nice variety pack. The colors are very nice in person and I think I am going to have to do some doodles on my own besides on the cover of the book. The colors came out darker when I was coloring in the design on the journal because of the material.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

These past few days I have almost felt like I have been living in a bubble. Under a rock or something. If I find a new project I want to start, I get completely consumed with it. First, it was reading this HTML/CSS book. I could not focus on anything else and now, it is scrap booking but with paper materials instead of digital. By Friday, I will be ready to start my scrap journal. I am even contemplating a hybrid 2013 project life which I am still not sure that's a good choice (considering I am behind on 2012).  I am pacing myself though - one step at a time. 

I got a nice surprise as I clicked a link from my email today. One of my pages was included as inspiration on the Creating Keepsakes blog. I was shocked! I am over here ready to learn to scrap as well as those ladies with the paper goodies...I am really honored, smitten and all of that. You know, when I get comments on my pages, most times I do not know how to respond. It makes me feel good and I am excited to read each one... I smile.... I even get surprised when people I do not think would look at my page will stop to make a comment. It really and truly is a feeling I cannot describe and so, sometimes I may not respond just because I cannot find the words. I am not good at all at being social but I am trying my best to do better. My child is very social and loves interacting with others. I know that she has gotten this from her dad, and her grandparents, even. I mean - I am an extreme introvert about some things and it has always been easy to write it down (or type it out onto a blog). I have all of my old journals and diaries and I even kept up with some of my web URLs that I have had in the past. I have a lot of thoughts that go through my head and I wish I could express them as well as I think them. Now...surely...that is not why I started this post but it came out as I typed...lol!


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